Books for Babies and Toddlers
I have a confession. I love to read. Okay, so lots of people love to read but I love to read my daughters books. Okay, okay, so I don't read them just for my own enjoyment I read them aloud to her. I never knew how much fun reading to my little one was going to be. Between the funny faces, made up voices and the giggles we have a blast! I started reading to my daughter soon after she was born. I know she didn't understand any of it then but it was a routine we started right away. Now my daughter loves to pull out her books and when she's not chewing on them she pretends to read. I hope some day when she understands the words she enjoys reading as much as I do but until then I will have fun reading the stories to her.
Here's a list of some of our favorite books: Bear Snores On
my first colors board book
first words
I Love You, Stinky Face
Where Is Baby's Belly Button?
counting kisses